Guillaume Helleu

Guillaume Helleu is a Geneva-based architect, a researcher at HEAD – Genève, and the co-founder of Hint3rland, a multidisciplinary R&D studio addressing issues related to new digital technologies (AI, blockchain, augmented reality).

Helleu is an ADE-certified architect from ENSA Paris-Belleville, graduating in 2016. After initially working for two years as a landscape architect at AC&T Paysages et Territoires in Paris, he then worked in China (Shenzhen) with WAU Design as a project manager and briefly as a consultant for IFADUR.

In 2022, he co-founded Hint3rland. Currently in development is the Hint3r.AI service: a multimodal AI solution within a unified interface. Among his recent contributions is the project: a semantic mapping aimed at explaining blockchain technologies and Web3 protocols. More recently, the Play-to-Learn project aims to converge the cultures of social sciences and video games through an interactive audiovisual program.

Finally, in his role within the Dorier group (MCI), he is the author of the Symbiotopia project, which was launched in June 2023 at the new MEA of the HUG, Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève. This project demonstrates his versatility by creating a unique experience that converges a children’s story and interactive game with the architecture of a building.
